The report displays the following for each listed document activity in chronological order:
User - user related to the document activity
Action - workflow event or activity such as approval decision, reviewer assignment, state expiration, state transition
State - workflow state after completion of the workflow activity or event
Comment - any comment added for the document activity action
Date - date and time for the document activity
Version - Confluence version of the document after the workflow event or activity
Version includes links to the Confluence version.
Document activity actioned by the workflow displays the app icon for the related user.
For some document activity, the related user is the app user
initial state change on the addition of a workflow to the page or blog post
due date set for a state on the transition into the state
an Expired transition (if configured) on the expiry of a due date for a state
when an approval takes place
the user undertaking the approval decision is displayed
the approval transition is recorded as the app user
Viewing the document activity report
The Document Activity for a page or blog post is displayed by choosing Document Activity in the
page tools menu
workflow popup ellipsis menu
Document Activity is also displayed using the Activity Report button in the workflow popup if the page or blog post is in the workflow final state.
The page tools Document Activity option is only available when there is an active workflow on the page or blog post.
Info |
With no active workflow on the page, if the document activity was not cleared, the document activity report is accessible using the Custom Contents screen for the page. |
In the page tools menu
choose Attachments > Custom Contents
In the Custom Contents screen
choose the Document Report tab
The Document Activity report is listed as a custom content item for the page.
The Document Activity item is displayed with
Creation Date - the date and time of the initial document activity
Creator - the Comala app user
Remove the report using the Delete action. This action requires edit or admin permission.
A Document Activity item is not listed if the document activity was removed or no workflow has been previously applied.
Info |
The document activity page macro can be added to a page to display the document activity. |
Document Report
The Document Report lists all the pages and blog posts in a space report with an active workflow.
To view the Document Report, in the Confluence sidebar menu
choose the Document Report option
The Document Report can be filtered by the current workflow state using the displayed buttons for each state.
Filter the report using the My pending approvals button to display the outstanding approval decisions for the current user viewing the report.
For a page currently in a workflow state with multiple approvals, each approval is displayed as an icon in the Reviewers column.
Choose an approval icon to display any assigned reviewer(s) and their approval decision status.
Choose a reviewer to view the details of all the reviewers for the approval.
Info |
The displayed list of approvers is read-only. |
Document report
Insert excerpt | ||||||||
Insert excerpt | ||||||||
Info |
See the Document report page for further details. |
Document state macro
Add the document state page macro to display the current workflow state; , the date of the change to the state; , and the state expiry date (if a state expiry has been added).
The document state macro is compatible with the Confluence page properties macro, and the page properties report macro.
The document state macro is added to a table in the page properties macro.
Insert excerpt | ||||||||
Example - using the document state macro with the page properties macro
Insert excerpt | ||||||||
Info |
See the Document state macro page for further details. |
Document approvals macro
Add the document approvals page macro to display information for approvals in a selected workflow state.
The macro can be configured to display one or more of
the overall status of the approval
the approval assignees
the latest approval decision for each assignee
the date of the reviewer's decision
the reviewer comment
The document approvals page macro is compatible with the Confluence page properties and page properties report macros.
The document approvals macro is added to a table in the page properties macro.
Insert excerpt | ||||||||
Info |
See the Document approvals macro page for further details. |
Document activity macro
Add the document activity page macro to display information for the document activity for the page.
Configure the macro to display one or more of the following for each document activity entry
User - user related to the workflow event or action
Action - workflow event or action
State - workflow state
Comment - comment added for the document activity
Date - date and time of the workflow event or action
Version - Confluence version
The document activity page macro is compatible with the Confluence page properties macro, and the page properties report macro.
Info |
See the Document activity macro page for further details. |
Confluence Search Filters for Macros
Confluence provides macros that support CQL filters. These include the content by label macro and the page properties report macro.
Comala Document Management adds a filter for "Workflow state".
If you are searching with a separate reporting/scripting tool, for example, Reporting for Confluence from Appfire or ScriptRunner for Confluence from Adapatavist, using the Confluence REST API the following field names are used:
Field | Field name |
Workflow state |
Assigned approver |
Note that cw_state
search is case-sensitive
Code Block |
cql=cw_approver="userID" and cw_state="Approved" |