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Comala Publishing - assets
Comala Publishing - assets

Use Comala Publishing for Confluence Cloud to optimize the way how you publish your Confluence Cloud content.


Comala Publishing for Cloud provides between-space publishing to allow you to keep your draft space page content separate from finished work in a public space.

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excludeComala Publishing

Use Comala Publishing for Cloud

Publish content from a source space to a target space using Comala Publishing:

Once a page is published, use the app to synchonize synchronize the source space page and the target space pagepages.

Page editors can easily quickly check the a page’s current publishing status for a page state in the added publishing byline displayed on both the source and published content.


Quickly configure a space for publishing

A space administration can use the publishing dashboard (accessed via using the space settings App links>Publishing option) to

Create a source development space for an existing production space

Add Link two spaces for publishing by adding a destination space for your publishing

Enable publishing from a source space

Set the user permissions for publishing to allow you to lock down permissions in the public space

Enable /disable the copying of content properties when publishing a page

Enable /disable a user to publish single-page publishing of an individual page from the pageby a page editor

Publish all the pages that are out of sync and are in the final state of an applied workflow

Publish all your the pages in a space content at one time

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Single-page publishing

Simply and easily publish an individual page using the publishing byline and popup when single-page publishing is enabled.

Once published, the page publishing status state byline is updated

Changes to the page in either the target or source space page update the byline to Out of sync.

Choose the publishing byline in either space to open the publishing popup and view the source or published content.

Space publishing

As a space administrator, simply and easily publish all the pages in a space using the Space publishing option in the space settings Publishing dashboard.

Publish pages using the publishing user or the app add-on user permissions

Support compliance by securing your public target space - configure publishing to use the app add-on user for publishing actions.

cpc_selectuserforpublishing_appuser_selected_dropdownoptions.pngImage Added

When the app add-on user is chosen in the Select user performing publishing action, a Confluence user (such as a page editor or space administrator) does not need edit permission in the target space to publish pages; instead, the publishing action uses the app add-on user permissions in the target space.

Publishing report

View the publishing status state for all your pages in the source space or target space in the Publishing report and publish directly from the report.


Publish using a Comala workflow

Automatically publishing approved pages to another space can be done with an The Comala Publishing integration with a Comala workflow supports the publishing of a page using the applied workflow from one of the following apps:

Comala Publishing automatically publishes pages to the target space when they reach the applied workflow final state

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A space administrator can configure whole space publishing to only publish pages in the final state

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in the workflow

cpc_publishingsettings_exteract_publish_wf_final_state.pngImage Added

When a Comala workflow is active, making the Only publish pages if they are in the final state of the workflow option active excludes pages that are not in the final state from being published when publishing all the pages in the space (space publishing).

Publish a page on a defined workflow event using a workflow trigger

In case you want your documents to be published When using Comala Document Management, you can configure the publishing of a page under a different workflow event or state change, in . Publishing occurs during this workflow event and during the transition to the final state (if the workflow includes a final state). In Comala Document Management for Cloud, you can customize your workflow by including a trigger, as in the example below.

Code Block
	{"event": "on-approve",
		{"state": "Review" }
    	{"action": "publish-page"}

What is published?

Using the app you can publish pages in a source space to a chosen target space. Each published page includes the following:

  • content title

  • content body

  • attachments

  • content properties*

  • content labels

Published in-page links: a link to a local page in the source space is replaced with a link to a published and synced page in the destination target space. Links to other spaces, external sites, and short links are not updated on publishing.


* Copying content properties when publishing a page can be disabled for each space using the space publishing dashboard Copy content properties option.

Comala Publishing for Cloud does not support publishingthe home page of a space, blog posts, or archived pages.


This guide covers features and functions that are available to Confluence Cloud users and space administrators.

Getting started with Comala Publishing

User Guide

Child pages (Children Display)
pageUser Guide


Child pages (Children Display)

Publishing space administration

Filter by label (Content by label)
cqllabel = "cp_spaceadmin" and space = currentSpace ( )

To configure and manage publishing publish pages using Comala Publishing for Confluence Cloud, a user must have at least permission to view and edit permission in both the draft space source and the published space.

Comala Document Management Family of apps

Automatically publishing approved pages to another space can be done with an applied workflow from one of the following apps:

  • Comala Document Management

  • Comala Document Control

  • Comala Document Approval

    target spaces. To manage and publish all the pages in a space, you must have space administrator permission in these spaces.