Labelled content
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"This connection is not allowed to modify Salesforce data!" error when pushing data to Salesforce (Connector for Salesforce & Jira)
The warning "Session storage disabled or unavailable!" appears when accessing Jira issues (Connector for Salesforce & Jira)
Page cannot be found when I try to re-authorize connection with Salesforce (Connector for Salesforce & Jira)
How to resolve "Salesforce Authorization Failed" error (Connector for Salesforce & Jira)
"You are not authorized to perform this request." error on Bindings page (Connector for Salesforce & Jira)
How to resolve "Your cookie settings blocked the connection" error (Connector for Salesforce & Jira)
How to resolve Unauthorized Endpoint or The session has expired. Please refresh the page error. (Connector for Salesforce & Jira)
"Salesforce security settings blocked the connection" error (Connector for Salesforce & Jira)