import com.atlassian.confluence.setup.bandana.ConfluenceBandanaContext
import com.atlassian.confluence.renderer.UserMacroConfig
def excludeList = ['xxxx'] // user macros that cause formatting errors
def userMacroKey = 'atlassian.confluence.user.macros'
def userMacros = bandanaManager.getValue(new ConfluenceBandanaContext(), userMacroKey)
if (excludeList.size() > 0) {
println 'Exclude list: '
excludeList.each { exclude -> println '- ' + exclude }
println '\n{table-plus:autoNumber=true|sortColumn=1|sortIcon=true}'
println '|| Name || Body type || Output type || Has Body || Macro ||'
if (userMacros != null) { // null if no user macros defined
userMacros.keySet().sort().each { key ->
if (!(key in excludeList)) { // something with this one messes up formatting
def macro = userMacros.get(key)
def template = '{noformat} ' + macro.getTemplate().replaceAll("noformat", "_noformat_").replaceAll("table-plus", "_table-plus_") + ' {noformat}'
println "| ${macro.getName()} | ${macro.getBodyType()} | ${macro.getOutputType()} | ${macro.isHasBody()} | " + template + ' | '
println '{table-plus}'