Default values of (system) fields on create screen
Required apps
Power Scripts™ for Jira (server)
Level: BASIC
The following problem can be solved by Live Fields, included in the Power Scripts™ for Jira app. Please also read the documentation regarding accessing the current screen with live fields.
To provide default values for fields in the create screen.
Here is how you can set the default values on create screen for a specific project.
Let's consider we have a rule, by setting the description, components and affectedVersions on the create issue screen . This allows the reporter to set some fields when the issue is created.
First set up your Live Fields to watch for issueType and project
lfInstantHook({"project", "issueType"}, "hook.sil"); lfWatch("issueType", {"issueType", "project"}, "hook.sil");
On our hook, we react to the event by setting the fields to what we wish for:
if(argv["screen"] == "create" && contains(argv["project"], "DEMO") && argv["issueType"] == "Bug") { //on Create Issue screen lfSet("description", "Please describe what's happening: \n\n" + "What you think should be happening: \n" + "Where it's found: \n" + "Steps to reproduce: \n#action 1\n#action 2\n#action3"); lfSet("components", {"ui", "business"}); lfSet("affectedVersions", {"1.0.1", "1.0.2"}); }
That's all.
Please notice that this will work only on the pop-up window for create issue. When creating an issue in new tab, issue type and project system fields are already set, so the hook won't be applied.
See also
- Copy field value from parent
- Filter the users from a database
- Make a custom field required based on another custom field
- Reset a field
- Restrict a select list to not show certain values
- Rolling summation or subtraction between parent and child fields
- Selecting users member of the reunion of 2 sets intersected with a third one
- Use Live Fields to initialise field values for a transition screen
- Using Database custom fields queries: IN clauses