Field Configuration Functions
Field configurations are used ultimately to set up the hidden or required field flags, based on issue types and projects. Most of these only work for Company-Managed Projects (classic projects)
Functions Summary
Structures used:
int id;
string name;
string description;
This is the topmost structure, the one you may use to assign to projects
int id;
string name;
string description;
boolean isDefault;
This does not represent a certain field. It’s the totality of the configs you associate with issue types.
int fieldConfigurationId;
int issueTypeId;
If issue type id is zero (0) it actually means the default issue type.
string field;
string description;
string renderer;
boolean hidden;
boolean required;
Renderer may be changed only for text fields, and accepted values are ‘text-renderer' and ‘wiki-renderer’. Field is the Jira name of the field, like ‘summary’, ‘fixVersions’ or 'customfield_12345’.