SSL connection to Oracle DB setup issues in SQL for Confluence

Problem Statement

The profile shows an error when setting up an SSL connection to Oracle Database using SQL for Confluence (pro).




Database Type


Error Message 

JAva.sql.SQLRecoverableException: IO Error: General SSLEngine problem, connect lapse 64 ms., Authentication lapse 0 ms.

Log Entries 

ERROR [http-nio-8096-exec-23] [confluence.sql.config.DBConnection] connectViaDriverManager Error while checking connection : java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: IO Error: General SSLEngine problem, connect lapse 79 ms., Authentication lapse 0 ms. – referer:


The error is caused if the Confluence Tomcat application does not trust the SSL certs.


You need to have a copy of the SSL certs and install it into Confluence using Java cacerts using keytool.

Syntax to import certs into JAVA CACERTS:

keytool -import -trustcacerts -keystore <cacerts path> -storepass <password> -noprompt -alias <alias-name> -file <cert_file_path>

Error Message 

Log Entries 


When you create the Resource Data Source within the Tomcat server.xml file, create another SQL Datasource profile from the Add-on page, and validate the Test Connection, you see the above error message in logs.


To avoid the error message, you need to remove the profile from the SQL for Confluence configuration Add-on, i.e., from the SQL for Confluence configuration Add-on, go to view and modify Data source profiles and remove the related profile.

Error Message

Log Entries



The issue is with the tnsnames.ora file in Oracle, and the solution would be to review(look for any unbalanced parenthesis) in the tnsnames.ora file and re-create.