Error while retrieving the data using SQL for Confluence

Problem statement

An error occurs while retrieving data from the table under a public schema in PostgreSQL, using the SQL macro.

Sample Error message 

org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: relation "inventory" doesnot exist Position: 15

The ideal scenario for the above error is: when there is no table exists with the given name (inventory in this case).

There is another case where you get this error: when the given table is in public schema.


VersionServer 6.15.4
App Version10.0.0
Database TypePostgreSql


When you want to get the data from a table which is in a public schema in PostgreSQL, it needs to be mentioned in the SQL select statement as below:


SELECT * FROM public."inventory" ;

Sample Result

Data from the inventory table is displayed as follows:

S. noTableData