6.16.8 Release Notes

Dec 20, 2021 

Comala Document Management 6.16.8 is a minor update and bugfix release.

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  • required minimum Confluence v7.1+

Bug Fixes

  • fixed a bug to ensure required parameters on a transition must be changed to enable the change state button in the workflow popup

  • fixed compatibility issue when using the app in Confluence v7.15+

  • resolved an error display in the audit log that occurred when a content property exceeded 255 characters

  • updated app to display long state names with an ellipsis <statename ...> in the workflow popup with the option to display the whole state name via a tooltip

  • resolved an issue  that required the user to add a parameter value to enable the Change state button in the workflow popup when the requiredparams is set for a state change even though the parameter has a default value

  • fixed a problem when using the get-metadata macro to return a value of a page property when the page property value is defined using another get-metadata macro

  • when an invalid user or group is referenced by the workflow the audit log error entry now includes the related page Id to identify the page(s) that need to be fixed

  • fixed problem causing a trigger comment change event to activate when an attachment comment is changed (comment-related events for triggers are only page-related - see Event Comments for Triggers)

  • fixed an issue that mistakenly listed all pages in a space as having a validation issue on executing a space properties population job