Asset filters & subscriptions

Asset filters & subscriptions

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This document explains how to create, manage, and utilize asset filters and subscriptions in the Asset Navigator.


Filters are essentially saved searches for assets. You can create filters to quickly find specific sets of assets you use frequently.

Create new asset filter

  1. Navigate to Assets > Asset Navigator.

  2. Refine your search, then click Save as. The Save asset search filter screen opens.

  3. Fill in the form:

Filter Option


Who can see this option

Filter Option


Who can see this option

Filter name

A brief and unique name to identify your filter.

Any user


Provide additional context about the filter's purpose.

Any user

Shared Group

Make the filter accessible to specific groups for shared use. Only you can modify it.

Any user

Add to my favorites also

This filter will appear on Asset Navigator's "Favorite Filters" menu. Private for the user.

Any user

Add as global filters menu for everyone

This filter will appear on Asset Navigator's "Filters" menu. All users will see this shortcut.

App or Jira admins

System filter

This filter can be used for Custom Field configuration.

App or Jira admins

  1. Click Save.

Update Filter

  1. Open the filter you want to modify. There are 2 ways to open (run) an asset filter:

    • Favorite Filters and Filters dropdowns

    • Filters tab on Asset Navigator

  2. Adjust your search criteria as needed.

  3. Click Save to confirm the changes.

Asset Navigator filter features

No filter is selected:

Filter is selected:

Click Star to add a filter to favorites or remove from.

Filter is modified:

List of filters

To see a list of your available filters:

  1. Choose Assets > Asset Navigator.

  2. Click the Filters tab.

Asset admins and Jira Admins see all filters, but other users only see the Favorite, My, and Shared with me filters.


Subscriptions allow you to receive periodic notifications based on the results of an asset filter. You'll be alerted whenever new assets match the filter criteria.

Subscribe to a filter

There are two ways to subscribe to an asset filter:

Method 1:

  1. Run the desired filter in the Asset Navigator.

  2. In the filter details section, click the Subscribe button.

Method 2:

  1. Open the Filters tab.

  2. Locate the filter you want to subscribe to. You can also access it from the Subscriptions section (if available).

  3. Click Subscribe.

Subscription options

  • Recipient groups – Select the groups that should receive the subscription notifications.

  • Send owner – Include the filter owner in the notification recipients (at least one recipient is mandatory). If only "Send owner" is selected, the subscription becomes personal.

  • Schedule – Choose the frequency of notifications (e.g., "At 09:30, every day"). A summary of the schedule will be displayed.

  • Cron expression (Advanced) – For users with advanced knowledge, a Cron expression option allows for more granular scheduling customization. You can use this website to configure Cron expressions.