


The CLI access to information from JIRA is controlled by JIRA's permission model. The permissions granted to the user (and groups/roles it is a member of) specified on the CLI action determine what information if available and what actions can be run. Similarly, by denying some of these permissions, you can control what users are able to do via the CLI just like they are controlled via the UI. The general rule is that if you can't do something in the UI, then you can't do something via the CLI and vice versa. Even having JIRA administrator or system administrator permissions may not be enough. If you are not seeing the information you think you should in the CLI, check your permissions! Check both your global permissions and project permissions.

JIRA doesn't provide a complete list of what permissions are needed to do specific activities, either on the UI or for remote APIs. This can generally be accurately inferred from the descriptions available. In some cases the error messages will also help, but not always. For instance, in the case of missing access permissions, you will often get a not found error message even though the object may exist, but is not visible to the current user.

This page will list a few specific permissions that are common area for tripping up users of the CLI.

Automation user

If you have an automation user that needs to do everything, then make sure it has all global permissions and all permissions in each project permission scheme!

Global Permissions

Project Permissions

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