Add New Integrations


You can connect with platforms to plan and coordinate your team's work if they prefer to use different tools such as Trello. Currently, you can connect to Trello Boards, other platforms will be supported in the upcoming version of the App.

Once connected, you can add Trello Boards (including Cards, Lists, CheckItems, Checklists) to the scope of your Boxes and have all your work in a one place.

Each connection has dedicated sections to define the scope and types of tasks to synchronize, as well as the task structure.

Set up a new Trello connection

You can add or remove connections from the Box configuration or the App configuration pages. Once added, new sections appear on the Scope definition and Tasks structure pages of the Box configuration and the Task structure page of the Box type configuration.

To add a new tool, go to the box configuration (Scope definition section), click 'Add new integration', and select Trello.

Once you choose the platform, click 'Add new connection'.


To add a new integration, allow pop-ups in your browser as the authentication screen opens in a new window:

The next step is to accept the relevant policies and grant access to your Trello account:

Next, select a Trello workspace to connect with.

The app indicates that field mapping is needed:

  • Start working - continue the process of adding Trello to your box.

  • Map fields - takes you to field mapping (Trello hasn’t been added to a box yet. You’ll have to go back to a box to finish the process). You can configure the field mapping later.

A new connection is now established. Select the connection and click 'Add':

You can now select from the list of available Boards:

Make sure to verify the advanced configuration section to determine what data is pulled into BigPicture and shown as tasks.


Add an existing Trello connection to a box

On the scope definition screen in box configuration:

  1. Click Add new integration

  2. Select Trello integration

  3. Select an existing connection from a list

Task structure

To structure your Trello tasks, go to box Configuration > Tasks > Task structure page and activate the structure builder.

Field mapping

Field mapping is performed per Trello connection.

Go to the Fields tab in App Configuration):

Open the Trello mapping:

Only start and end date fields can be mapped for Trello.

Remove Trello

Connection from a box

To remove a Treello connection from a box scope, go to Box Configuration > Tasks > Scope definition.

Before you terminate a connection make sure that users confirm that it is not longer used otherwise they will be required to redefine the scope and lose the current Trello task structure.

Connection from BigPicture


Connected Tool Requires your attention

The app works together with the connected tools (such as Trello). Certain situations may render this connection unusable - the app is unable to communicate with the connected tool properly. 


  • Authorization failed, for example:

    • token expired

    • application permissions have been revoked

  • A valid installation of the App can't be detected:

    • The app hasn't been installed

    • the license expired or is otherwise invalid

    • the license is valid, but the pricing plan doesn't match it