A number of macros that produce or modify tables share common capabilities as described below. A JavaScript enabled browser is required to enable most of these capabilities.
- Column sorting - sort a column by clicking on column heading. Clicking again will reverse the order.
- Data specific sorting - see the columnTypes parameter
- Column selection - hide columns
- Auto sort of selected column
- Auto numbering of rows - ability to automatically add a leading column with the data row count.
- Auto totaling of numeric columns
- Row highlighting on mouseover - the row is highlighted when mouse goes over any row element for non-heading rows
- Row styles - ability to set CSS at the row level
- Column styles - ability to set CSS at the column level
- Column attributes - ability to set the display attributes (color, font) on a column basis
- Table attributes - set table class, table style, and row styles - See Style Table Columns
Macros that include this support
- Table Plus Macro
- CSV Macro
- Attachment Table Macro
- JSON Table Macro
- Excel Macro
- SQL Macro
- SQL-file Macro
- SQL-query Macro
Common parameters
The following parameters are part of our common table capabilities that are available to many macros that produce or modify tables.
Click a column heading to toggle the sorting of that column.
Date sorting
{table-plus:columnTypes=S,-,.|autoNumber=true|sortColumn=3 |columnAttributes=style="text-align:center;", ,style="background:yellow; font-size:14pt;"} || Name || Phone || TCP || | John | 555-1234 | | | Mary Lou | 555-2134 | | | Bob | 555-4527 | | {table-plus}
which renders as:
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