1.8 Release Notes
This documentation is for an old version of Dataplane Reports.
View the latest documentation, or the list of documentation for all versions.
1.8 Release Notes
Scott Dudley
David Goldstein
Owned by Scott Dudley
May 19, 2014
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New reports, new time options, expanded drill-through and a number of fixes.
May 19, 2014
Important Note
Upgrading to this version from a prior version of Dataplane will force a full Dataplane reindex upon installation.
New Features
- added drill-through from tabular data in the "Data" tab to the Issue Navigator
- added the new Issue Values Snapshots Sum by Date report. You can now sum numeric fields by sampling their values at periodic points in the past and chart the values. For example, you can now show the sum of "Time Worked" on a specific set of issues, filtered by their status, over a specific date range.
- the Time Period control now offers an "Include current period" option to include the current period for "Last xx months", "Last xx weeks" and "Last xx days" values. This checkbox will be selected by default for newly-created reports.
- minimum, maximum and average value statistics are now shown in the Issue Values by Date report.
- a new "# of Issues" column is shown in the Issues Work Log Table report.
- the Priority and Status fields are now always sorted according to their standard JIRA sort order.
- Microsoft SQL Server users no longer need to install a CLR function to use Dataplane. Users upgrading from Dataplane 1.7 and prior can optionally remove the previously-installed CLR.
- Oracle database system requirements have been relaxed from Oracle 11gR2 to the original Oracle 11g.
- keyboard type-ahead can now be used to select values in all of the drop-downs on the report configuration page.
- in JIRA 6.1+ only, adding the "Issue" segmentation to a report prevented the drill-through feature from working properly
- fixed the rendering of an excess date label on the X axis if the time zone configured in the user's profile was in an earlier time zone than JIRA's system default time zone
- date ranges in reports are now validated strictly, rather than being pushed to the "closest" date. Entering invalid dates such as "2013-02-29" will now produce an error.
- the date range entered by the user was not being strictly obeyed for historical reports, in the situations in which the manually-entered dates were not at the start or end of the selected Interval. In these cases, Dataplane included all issues in the interval, even if they occurred before the start date or after the end date.
- the "Last xxx Days/Weeks/Months" controls were showing an extra time period (day/week/month) in the rendered chart results
- removed excess space rendered on the right side of the plot area for certain line charts, area charts and min/max charts
- Dataplane was previously able to obtain more database connections than it was designed to consume, potentially leading to database connection starvation under high load
- the drill-through feature was returning an error message when run by a user whose JIRA username had been previously renamed
- corrected issues with the "Issue Count" and "Average" global statistics displayed at the Time from Status to (Next) Status reports: although the chart itself was displayed correctly, the Issue Count statistic could have included a higher number of issues than were actually charted, and the Average statistic was not calculating the arithmetic mean as expected.
- in Excel exports, the "# Issues" column was marked with a cell type of text rather than numeric
- fixed authentication issues when rendering Dataplane report gadgets in Confluence 5.4 and earlier versions
- PostgreSQL installations which use a schema other than the default "public" can now build the Dataplane index successfully.
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