1.0 Release Notes

This documentation is for an old version of Dataplane Reports.

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1.0 Release Notes


Maintenance release. Compatibility with older PostgreSQL <9.1; fixes for certain MySQL permissions issues; and better project list permission checking.

March 14, 2013


  • fixed an incompatibility that caused errors when running reports with PosgreSQL versions earlier than 9.1. Dataplane now fully supports PostgreSQL 8.2+.
  • fixed an issue that caused errors when running reports with a MySQL database user that did not have CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES permission. Dataplane will now work without this permission (but it will display a reminder in the configuration page to grant this access, in order to improve performance).
  • the project list dropdown now performs better permissions checking before displaying the list to the user.



Fixed error that blocked the daily history service job

March 4, 2013


  • fixed error that blocked the daily history service job from running



Initial public beta

February 27, 2013

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