This documentation is for an old version of Dataplane Reports.
View the latest documentation, or the list of documentation for all versions.
Current Issue Reports
David Goldstein
Scott Dudley
This page describes all of the following reports:
Current Issue Assignees
Current Issue Affects Versions
Current Issue Components
Current Issue Fix Versions
Current Issue Priorities
Current Issue Reporters
Current Issue Resolutions
Current Issue Security Levels
Current Issue Statuses
This set of basic reports provides an easy way to break down a set of issues by a particular statistic. Each report automatically performs segmentation based on the indicated field. For example, the Current Issue Statuses report automatically calculates the current status of each JIRA issue and displays the resulting data.
By default, most of these reports automatically exclude resolved issues (which means issues where the Resolution field is not empty). To override this behavior, click the Include resolved issues checkbox. Note that this checkbox is not available for the Current Issue Resolutions report. For that report, all issues (regardless of resolution) will be charted.
If you wish to break down your data by additional values, you can specify additional segmentations with the Segment By option.
If you need a more advanced version of this report, or if you need to break out data by a field not listed here, use the Current Issue Values report.
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