This documentation is for an old version of Dataplane Reports.

View the latest documentation, or the list of documentation for all versions.

Installing Dataplane

Installation Checklist

Here is an administrator-level overview to get your system up and running with Arsenale Dataplane:

  1. Make sure your JIRA instance meets the system requirements.
  2. Review Dataplane's database configuration requirements before proceeding with the installation.
  3. Install the Arsenale Dataplane add-on in your JIRA instance as you would any standard JIRA add-on.
  4. For Linux-based servers, install the Dataplane-specific fonts (optional) for better-looking reports.
  5. Run Dataplane's indexer to build its database of JIRA issue states and transitions.
  6. Configure Dataplane user permissions to enable those users you wish to have access to the application.
  7. Enable any optional, experimental Dataplane Labs features you would like to try.

You are done!

Database Configuration

Before installing Arsenale Dataplane, check your JIRA database server against the system requirements and recommendations.

Arsenale Dataplane stores all its data in the same database used by JIRA.

Depending on the type of JIRA issues you have, Arsenale Dataplane's data storage could potentially double your JIRA database size or more.

We recommend checking your database server to ensure that you have sufficient space available before installing Dataplane and running the Dataplane indexer.

MySQL Database Performance Tuning

MySQL's default installation is not particularly optimized for performing database-intensive reporting operations. In particular, a stock configuration of MySQL can cause performance problems.

Although Arsenale Dataplane will generally work without needing to perform any specific MySQL configuration, some reports can take an exceedingly long time to run if your JIRA installation is large and MySQL has not been properly configured.

  1. For best performance, the database user used by JIRA needs to be granted the "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES" privilege. To grant this privilege, connect to the MySQL console and execute the following statement, and then restart your JIRA instance. (Substitute the same values into this query as you did when performing the original JIRA database setup.) 

  2. Before installing Arsenale Dataplane, we strongly recommend that you check your MySQL installation to ensure that JIRA is using the InnoDB database engine.  The InnoDB database is also the only MySQL storage engine officially supported by Atlassian for JIRA.
  3. In addition, we recommend that you configure the InnoDB buffer pool to use as much physical memory as you have available on your database server. For JIRA installations with a few tens of thousands of issues, we recommend a minimum of one gigabyte, or more if possible. This cache will benefit JIRA as well as Arsenale Dataplane.
  4. We also recommend enabling the MySQL query cache and setting the query cache size to at least 10 megabytes.

An example configuration of /etc/my.cnf with these modified settings looks like this:


query_cache_type = 1
query_cache_size = 10M

Other Databases

No special database tuning is currently required for databases other than MySQL.

Dataplane Installation

Arsenale Dataplane is a standard JIRA add-on, and can be downloaded and installed from within the JIRA Universal Plugin Manager.

In JIRA 6:

Go to Administration » Find new add-ons. Search for "Dataplane" in the Atlassian Marketplace and click the Install link.

In JIRA 5:

Go to Administration » Plugins » Plugins and click Install Plugins. Search for "Dataplane" in the Atlassian Marketplace and click the Install link.

Alternatively, you may download the Dataplane .jar file and upload it to your JIRA installation manually via the same admin page.

Once installed, Arsenale Dataplane is accessible from the Dataplane Reports menu in the main JIRA navigation bar.

On JIRA 6.0 and above, if your browser window is not wide enough, the Dataplane Reports menu may get collapsed into the More menu option:

Linux Font Installation (Optional)

Dataplane can optionally make use of custom fonts so that chart titles and text are rendered more smoothly.

If your JIRA application server is Microsoft Windows or Mac OS X, the optimal fonts for chart rendering are automatically selected by Dataplane. You do not need to do anything.

If your JIRA application server runs Linux, copy the Lato-Bol.ttf and Lato-Reg.ttf files from the Dataplane downloads page to your JRE font directory. For example, on RedHat Enterprise Linux, your JRE font directory directory is usually located at /usr/java/default/jre/lib/fonts/. Once you have copied the appropriate fonts to the JRE font directory, you must restart JIRA for the changes to take effect.

You can still use Dataplane without performing the above step, but the smooth text rendering will not appear until you have done so. It is also fine to copy the TTF files to the font directory now and defer the JIRA restart until a later date.

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