Release notes 6.8

What's new

Introduced new parameters in Global Configuration

The Excel for Confluence Global Configuration page now provides two new configuration options: Maximum row limit and Blacklist domains.

Maximum row limit

Administrators can control the maximum number of rows to be displayed from an Excel workbook through the Maximum row limit configuration option. Note that if cells in rows within the specified limit refer to cells in rows outside the limit for calculations, it is possible that those cell values can show an incorrect value or an error. If the field is left empty, the app displays all rows of every worksheet in the workbook. By default, this parameter is left blank. 

Blacklist domains

Administrators can blacklist private networks, hosts, or subnets to avoid Server Side Request Forgeries (SSRF) through the Blacklist domains configuration option. By default, this parameter is disabled. If enabled, and if a request from any of these sites is received, an error message is displayed. However, if users still need to access a blacklisted site, they must contact their system administrator to disable this option. Click the link named listed (in the description beneath the option) to view a pre-defined list of the most commonly blacklisted domains in a pop-up window.

Additional information

This release is available for Confluence 6.0 and above. The Confluence server must be running Java 1.8 or higher

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