Upgrading Visibility add-on leads to the error @authenticated is not a valid user


In older versions of Visibility (version 4.2.2 or below), users were able to configure user = @authenticated. This will allow users to show/hide if they were authenticated. However, in the latest version (version 5.0 and above), the parameter needs to be changed to be special = @authenticated.

Therefore, in the latest version, there will be an error inlineExtensionif the configuration is user = @authenticated.


  • Visibility 5.0 and above

  • Confluence Server

Diagnostics Steps

  • Not applicable.


Macro parameters have changed.


The workaround would be to replace username=@authenticated with special=@authenticated using an add-on called Search and Replace.

  1. Install Search and Replace

  2. Navigate to General Configuration> Search and Replace

  3. Select "Search and Replace with REGEX."

  4. Enter the following text in Search (with Regex) for the parameter:

    <ac:parameter ac:name="user"><ri:user ri:username="@authenticated" /></ac:parameter>
  5. Enter the following text in the *Replace With* parameter.

    <ac:parameter ac:name="special">@authenticated</ac:parameter>
  6. Click on Replace All


Please make sure that you take a backup of your Confluence instance as a safety measure.