With the knowledge base populated with articles of different categories, it's time to build a homepage to allow users to easily find what they need, and to quickly make new articles too.
Introducing Reporting
Reporting allows you to display data from specific pages or spaces. It utilizes the keys and supplier concept to pull data anywhere in your Confluence instance to customize reports. For more information, check out our Reporting for Confluence documentation.
Getting started
Create a new blank page
set it as the root page of your knowledge base
In Page Layout
toggle the sections to build a layout
in the first one-column section
insert a Livesearch block (to allow users to search for an article_
Showing Articles by Label Using Reporting
In the next two-column sections create Panel blocks to show the most recently modified articles from each category.
insert a Panel block for each column
customise Panel block
add names based on each category
Inside the Panel block
insert a report-list block
edit the report-list block
customise to your preferred bullet style
set the maxResults parameter to the preferred number of articles to show per column
In the report-list block
insert a content-reporter and report-body block
edit the content-reporter block
enter the label to filter articles with (for example, 'how-to' or 'issues')
In the content-reporter block
insert a date-sort block
edit the date-sort block
set the key as content:modification date
This tells Reporting to sort the data based on the most recent modification date.
In the report-body block
insert a a report-info block
edit the report-info block
set the key as content:title
This tells Reporting to display the title of each article.
check Link To Item so that the data displayed becomes a link
Adding a 'Create Article' link (optional)
For each column, a 'create new article' link can be added for user convenience in creating a new article of the same template.
enter the name of the template you wish to render in Source
in Labels
enter the name of the label you wish to attach to the new article
Understanding the Reporting structure
The following diagram explains the structure of the Reporting block we just created. Most Reporting blocks will follow a similar structure as this one.
The outermost wrapper determines how the Reporting block should be displayed
a list, table or plain text area can be chosen to display the data
Next, there is a header that defines where the data is fetched
within the header, we can also add conditions to the data such as filters or sorters
The header could be a content-reporter or local-reporter block.
Next up, the conditions are nested within the filter block
in this block, we insert a date-sort block to get the most recent modification date
Finally, the data is displayed in the body of our report, report-body
multiple report-info blocks can be added in report-body, that takes a key to display some sort of data.