Create an issue of a certain issue type when there is no Create permission

Required apps

Power Actions™ for Jira



Some Jira users must have the permission to create issues of a certain issue type and some others must have the permission to create issues or sub-tasks of another issue type and all this must happen in the same project.


Creating the actions

Scripting through SIL™ is very powerful and now we have Blitz (Power) Actions™ Custom Field to solve this problem, using it together with the permissions and issue type schemes of the project.

Let's consider the case we have an issue type which support two sub-tasks types, like in this issue type schema:

There are two or more users, one of them - let's say userba - has the permission to create issues in the project and another, usertest, does not have this right but must create sometimes a Blitz Sub-Task. Both users belong to the same group, named ForBA Sub-Task.

We can get the work done, by using a Blitz Actions customfield in the View screen of BlitzAction Task and configuring it.

First we create the actions:

Note that userba will be allowed to create any kind of sub-task, while usertest will be allowed to create only Blitz Sub-Tasks.

Condition Scripts

And now let's write the SIL™ scripts.

  • the condition for the first action is
Visibility condition for Create Blitz Sub-Task button
number ENABLED = 1;
number DISABLED = 2;
number HIDDEN = 3;
if (hasPermission(11, currentUser(), key) or userInGroup("ForBA Sub-Task", currentUser()))
return ENABLED;
return HIDDEN;
  • the condition for the second action is
Visibility condition for Create Sub-Task button
number ENABLED = 1;
number DISABLED = 2;
number HIDDEN = 3;
if (hasPermission(11, currentUser(), key))
return ENABLED;
return HIDDEN;

Screen Scripts

Assuming screens for both actions look the same (both sub-tasks types has the same fields). In this example only Summary and Description for the new created sub-tasks are completed, but obviously all needed fields can be mapped.

Screen Script for Create Blitz Sub-Task button
string TEXT = "TEXT";
string[] scr = {"Summary", "TEXT", "Test create BA sub-task", "Description", "TEXT"}; 
scr = addElement(scr,"");
return scr;

or (note that the only difference is the Summary text):

Screen Script for Create Sub-Task button
string TEXT = "TEXT";
string[] scr = {"Summary", "TEXT", "Test create simple sub-task", "Description", "TEXT"}; 
scr = addElement(scr,"");
return scr;

Action Scripts

And, finally, the two action scripts which will create the sub-task; Tasks are created with reporter set to the current user (irrespective of the permissions!) and with the assignee to current assignee.

  •  for Blitz Sub-Task and
Script for Create Blitz Sub-Task action
string prt;
string[] cmp;
date ddate;
string est;
string sl;
string[] cfmap;
string k;
string us=currentUser();

if (not hasPermission(11, currentUser(), key)) {
  runAs("userba"); //simulate
k=createIssue(project, key, "Blitz Sub-Task", getElement(argv, 1),prt,getElement(argv, 3),cmp,ddate,est,sl,cfmap);
runAs(us); //go back to the real user
  • for the ordinary Sub-Task
Script for Create Sub-Task action
string prt;
string[] cmp;
date ddate;
string est;
string sl;
string[] cfmap;
string k;

k=createIssue(project, key, "Blitz Sub-Task", getElement(argv, 1),prt,getElement(argv, 3),cmp,ddate,est,sl,cfmap);


That's all! Now let's have it tested.

The first user who test the results is userba, who has permission to create sub-tasks of any of the two types.

Second user to test, usertest, who does not have permission to create issues in the current project, still may create a Blitz Sub-Task, due to Blitz(Power) Actions custom field configured through SIL™ to run the action script as userba (using the runAs routine)

See also