JSON Table Macro

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JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) has become a highly used interchange format because of its lightweight, simplicity, and ability for humans to read and write easily. Many REST APIs produce JSON format and the format is used predominantly in Atlassian REST APIs. There is also an abundance of support libraries associated with the format which makes it ideal for scripting output. 

The JSON table macro can import, format and display JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) data from anywhere, by:

  • Reading the JSON data from any of these sources:
    1. Within your Confluence page.
    2. From a file residing on the Confluence server (Server only).
    3. From a Space Template (Server only).
    4. From a page attachment.
    5. From an external URL.
  • Allowing customizable access to fields.
  • Supporting inclusion of Wiki Markup macros within the JSON data.
  • Combining with the Chart macro to produce powerful data visualization.
  • Leveraging the same table styling capabilities as the Table Plus macro.

This macro supports Common table capabilities.

Available in plugin release 6.3 and above.

Applicable upto app version 8.1:

To enable using HTML content with JSON data, you must enable the Stop encoding of html characters parameter. In such a case, it is recommended to contact your administrator to use Macro Security for Confluence with this app to provide an additional layer of security to your data and privacy. Refer to this documentation to for more information on the Macro Security for Confluence app.

From app version 8.2 onwards, if the Stop encoding of html characters parameter is enabled, use of Macro Security for Confluence is no longer needed as the macro itself provides additional security to your data.

Basic Use

This macro can be deployed using one of the following methods:

Selected from the Macro BrowserJSON Table
Markup Shortcut{json-table}



(info) Click a column heading to toggle the sorting of that column.

Augment parameters

See Augments for details for modifying column headings and column data.

Common parameters

The following parameters are part of our common table capabilities that are available to many macros that produce or modify tables.

(info) Click a column heading to toggle the sorting of that column.



  • Chart Macro - the JSON Table Macro can be used to create data for a chart
  • Beanshell macro - can be used to generate JSON Table Macro and data as output from Java code (use output=wiki)
  • Groovy macro - can be used to generate JSON Table Macro and data as output from Groovy code (use output=wiki)
  • Jython macro - can be used to generate JSON Table Macro and data as output from Jython code (use output=wiki)

Other Macros

Below is a list of all other Macros available within this Add-on:

Additional References

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