Column Selection - Dynamic
This advanced example is about a custom scripting based way to provide dynamic column selection. This is based on the Column Selection examples and assume you have followed those steps first. We use a simple table to make it easier to demonstrate the scripting.
Experience required
Skills - if you do not have the following skills, do not attempt this example. Learn the basics separately and then come back here.
- You should already be experienced with some form of scripting like with groovy
- You should be familiar with using the Run macro and using checklist input fields
- You should have a bit of understanding of wiki markup
- Run Self-Service Reports for Confluence for the Run macro
- Scripting for Confluence for one of the scripting macros, this example uses the Groovy macro
Run Macro Configuration
- Likely you will want to select Automatically render body on display (autoRun) so the table will be displayed with the default columns initially
- Add a checklistfieldcalledcolumns to the Replace field list (replace) that contains pairs matching column numbers to column names
The script will need to be customized for your specific use. This is just a simple example. The groovy macro needs to set the Output format (output) to wiki.
def includePage = 'Examples:table page' // customize to point to your SPACE:Page title def columnTypes = ['S','S','S','S','S'] // customize to set the default column types for all columns def selectedColumns = '$columns'.split(',') // assumes run macro is configured using the columns replacement variable name def moreTablePlusParameters = '' // customize if you need some additional table plus parameters - must be in standard wiki parameter notation! // For each column that was NOT selected, replace the default column type for that entry to hide for (int i = 1; i <= columnTypes.size(); i++) { if (!selectedColumns.contains(i.toString())) { columnTypes[i - 1] = 'H' } } // Build the wiki markup for the include page def StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder() builder.append("{table-plus:columnTypes=${listToSeparatedString(columnTypes)}|${moreTablePlusParameters}}").append('\n') builder.append("{include:${includePage}}").append('\n') builder.append('{table-plus}') out.print(builder.toString()) def listToSeparatedString(list) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder() list.each { element -> builder.append("'").append(element).append("',") } return builder.toString() }
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