How to remove owner from group with Delegated Group administration using REST API

This article explains how to remove an owner from a group in Delegated groups using Rest API.


  1. Here is the REST API used to remove the owner:

  2. Execute the below curl command to remove an existing owner from a group:

    curl -u username:password -X DELETE --insecure -d '{"group":"group4","userKey":"agent"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -v

    In this curl command, group4 is the name of the group and agent is the name of the user who is the owner of the group group4.

  3. The below screenshot shows the group with an owner:

  • Remove --insecure from the above command if your URL contains HTTP protocol.
  • Make sure to update the username, password, user_name, group _name and "" accordingly to the above two curl commands as per the environment details.