KB : Jira Server + Ngrok for troubleshooting and demonstration

KB : Jira Server + Ngrok for troubleshooting and demonstration

The purpose of this guide is to help you to use a local Jira server for troubleshooting issues that require our apps to connect to the internet or receive outbound connections.

This can be useful for TFS4JIRA and Chat demos, but it was already used to run a demo of Agile Poker remotely and inviting the customer to join a session.

Installing and configuring Java and Jira

Download the installer from: https://adoptopenjdk.net/


For Jira 8 and above, you can install version 11. If you are going to need Jira 7.13+ then you need JDK 8.






After the installation, you will have it on /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/adoptopenjdk-11.jdk.

Once you have installed the AdoptOpenJDK, you will need to set the $JAVA_HOME variable that is required by Jira.

For that, you will need to path of your JDK (the one above). And I always add /Contents/Home for it to work. So in the default path, it will be: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/adoptopenjdk-11.jdk/Contents/Home.

To set, just add to your shell profile.

Check whether you are using ZSH or Bash as they will have different places for this.

For BASH you should add to ~/.bash_profile and for ZSH it will be ~/.zshrc.

Edit the file and add the following line to the end:

export JAVA_HOME="/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/adoptopenjdk-11.jdk/Contents/Home"

Make sure the path is correct. Yours can be slight different than this documentation.

Downloading, installing and configuring Jira

You can download Jira from Download Developer Software | Atlassian . Just select Jira Software to begin with as you can install more later.

After getting the file, unzip and move to where you would like to have Jira installed.

I recommend creating a deployments directory on your home directory. IE: ~/deployments/.

So you would have:


The Jira-Home directory

This is the directory where Jira stores files from users (attachments, add-ons, logs, etc…)
For these testing purposes, you can add this inside the Jira-Install directory.

Following this structure, you can have the Jira-Home like:


After creating it, you will need to ‘tell’ Jira where this is. So edit the jira-application.properties file that is in Jira-Install/atlassian-jira/WEB-INF/classes. and set it with:

Starting Jira

That is it! Once you have set the $JAVA_HOME, installed and configured Jira, you are ready to start it.

For that, from the terminal, just call the start-jira.sh script. For example, when you are at the home of the Jira-Install:

Then fire up your browser of choice and load http://localhost:8080

Installing and configuring ngrok

Navigate to https://ngrok.com and I recommend signing up for an account so you can use more features.

After downloading the zip file, you just need to unzip at a directory (IE: ~/deployments/ngrok) and connect your account. This is done by obtaining the auth_token at the website and running the following command:

Then, while Jira is already up and running, you can start it:

The output will be something like:

So now, if you navigate to http://2370-89-77-187-161.ngrok.io you will be able to load your local Jira from the internet.

Installing Spartez Software apps

From there, you can navigate in Jira to Administration → Apps → Find New Apps and install any of our Applications (complete list). If you need a license, you can pick from https://appfire.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SP/pages/155519343 or simply get a timebomb license that allows you to install any app and use it for a few hours.

And now that your Jira is accessible from the internet, you can fully use:

  • Whiteboards OAuth integration for suers

  • Chat in a web-page that is not local and customers can try during a demonstration

  • TFS4JIRA Check-ins

  • Agile Poker sessions where you can invite the customer to join a session as a participant or observer.

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