How to solve OAuth flow issue for Github Enterprise

We support GitHub Enterprise with organization-owned repositories. As long as access to the organization is granted when configuring the token, repositories that belong to that organization will be accessible.


While using Github org, OAuth flow issues might happen when generating an access token.

  1. Start by disabling OAuth App access restrictions for your organization temporarily as described here. This should remove the need for organization owners to confirm authorizations.

  2. Then, start the OAuth workflow. Get organization approval requests, and click “request“. You should get the message that requested access.

  3. Then with an organization owner account, go to organization setting -> Third-party access, and you should see a request for approval. Once it’s approved, access to the token created was successfully given. It should look like the below:


If you’re trying to request approval with both regular org user and org admin and you don’t still see the request on the Third-party access page. We recommend contacting Github support to get their help with this, as that process is out of our control.