How to copy a page tree

This article walks you through the following topics:


Parameter name




Parameter name




Select Destination

Space and Parent Page


Current space

Choose the destination space from the drop-down menu.

Parent Page

Home page of the current space

Choose the destination parent page from the drop-down menu.

Customize Output

Copy Attachments


This option allows you to copy all the attachments within the page tree you selected to the destination space.

Copy Labels


This option allows you to copy all the labels along with the page tree you selected to the destination space.

Copy Properties


This option allows you to copy all the properties along with the page tree you selected to the destination space.

Copy Permissions


Default permission is applied

This option allows you to copy all the permission of the page tree you selected to the destination space. Check this box to override the default permission.

For more information, see Permissions.

Enable Advanced Options (slower but offers more control over page titles and content)


This option allows you to customize the titles and content of the page tree.

Check this option to enable the following parameters:

  1. Suffix

  2. Add a space before the title Suffix

  3. Page Title Preview

  4. Page Content

Page Titles



This option allows you to add a prefix to the existing page titles of the page tree to the target space.
The confluence does not allow page(s) with duplicate titles in the existing space. Hence, the page name must be unique for a particular space.

Add a space after the title Prefix


This option allows you to add a space after the prefix.


(Advanced) This option allows you to add a suffix to the existing page titles of the page tree to the target space. You can add both prefix and suffix or only suffix to the title.

Add a space before the title Suffix


(Advanced) This option allows you to add a space before the suffix.


This option allows you to find and replace the words in the title.

Specify the word that you want to replace.


Specify the word that you want to replace it with.

Page Title Preview (Advanced)

This option allows you to preview the titles of the destination page tree. Click the icon to expand the page tree.

Note You can edit the titles of the destination page tress manually. To edit, you must check the Enable Advanced Option to edit the titles of the individual pages of the page tree manually.

Page Content (Advanced)


This option allows you to replace the content of the pages.

Specify the word that you want to replace.


Specify the word that you want to replace it with.

Add another replacement

Click the icon to add another replacement.

The second stage of the copy process involves the use of advanced options.

Page titles with only the prefix applied must be unique in the destination space for the copy to be successful and page title suffixes are applied in the second phase.

How to copy a page tree

To copy a page tree, perform the following:

  1. Go to the root page of the tree that you want to copy

  2. Click the ellipse icon from the top right corner of the page.

  3. Select Copy Page Tree. The Copy Page Tree page is displayed.

  4. Specify the page tree destination by selecting the Space and the Parent Page from the drop-down menu under the Select Destination option.

  5. Customize your page titles by specifying the Prefix, if needed to avoid duplication of titles with existing pages in the destination space. The prefix "[COPY]" is already set as default, but it is optional.

  6. (Optional) For more customization options click the Enable Advanced Options. This will allow you to change the following parameters:

    1. Suffix

    2. Add a space before the title Suffix

    3. Page Title Preview

    4. Page Content
      For more information, see Parameters.

  7. Click Copy Page Tree. A confirmation page with the progress bar is displayed.

  8. Once the copy process is complete the success message is displayed, then click Go to New Page. The destination page tree is displayed.

Note When you click the Copy Page Tree button, the values of some of the form, inputs will be saved. This will help to speed up future page tree copies using the same source page. Title and Content "with" values, as well as manual page title edits, will not be saved. To clear the saved form values, hit the Reset to Defaults button.