If you want to restrict who can and cannot create and edit releases, view Swanly release or issue view, and administer, you can use Swanly’s permissions settings.
All permissions are available globally. These permissions are available for company-managed (former Classic) and team-managed (former Next-gen) projects.
Administer Swanly
Users with this permission are allowed to:
Access Swanly release timeline
View timeline and lists
View release details
Create and edit single project releases
Create and edit cross-project releases
Add issue to the release
Import projects (release view)
Create release templates (release type/stages)
Access Swanly issue timelines
View timeline and lists
View Swanly issue reports
Create issues and schedule them on the timeline
Add child issues
Import projects (issue view)
Create templates with stages
Access additional configurations
Create issue roadmaps
Create release roadmaps
To edit Swanly permissions, you need to be a global Jira Administrator.
Release Roadmap Creator
The Release Roadmap Creator permission is assigned on the project level for each project separately or for multiple at once based on your permission scheme.
Users with this permission can perform the following actions in the Swanly Issue View for those projects where permission is granted:
Create release roadmaps for projects they have access to
Issue Roadmap Creator
The Issue Roadmap Creator permission is assigned on the project level for each project separately or for multiple at once based on your permission scheme.
Users with this permission can perform the following actions in the Swanly Issue View for those projects where permission is granted:
Create issue roadmaps for projects they have access to