Burndown chart

Burndown chart

The Burndown chart shows how your team is progressing against the work for a release or an issue. You will be able to see if your release or issue is on track, ahead, or behind.

Read more about Release burndown charts in our blog article

Tracking with Release burndown chart in Jira with Swanly

How to access Burndown chart

  1. Go to Swanly via Apps > Swanly roadmaps.

  2. Click the release or issue name to open the report view.

  3. Click Expand in the top right corner of the screen.

  4. Click the Burndown chart tab.

Accessing Release and Issue burndown chart in Swanly, Jira

To display the Burndown chart you will need to have the following:

  • set start and end date for your release (issue)

  • add issues in version (child issues)

More on how to add issues to the release

The vertical % In Progress axes chart shows you a percentage of remaining work and gives you three options to track progress:

  • Issue count

  • Story points

  • Original time estimate

On the horizontal Time axes, it shows dates, and Release (Issue) end date is highlighted.