Create a Pie chart using the SQL macro - 10.x

Create a Pie chart using the SQL macro - 10.x


Estimated Time: 13 min

As an example, let's create a Pie chart to display "Book Print Operational Costs". 


Our scenario uses a data source profile, BookWarehouse, to query a database table, PRINTOPERATION. The table contains current minimum, maximum, and, average operational costs associated with the printing and go-to-market costs for books.

For this scenario, we focus on charting the current average market costs for each type of print operation.

SQL > mysql> select po_book_id, printoperation, avgcost from printoperation;
| po_book_id | printoperation        | avgcost  |
|          2 | Developmental Editing | 18000.00 |
|          3 | Copyediting           |  7000.00 |
|          4 | Cover Design          |  3500.00 |
|          5 | Formatting            |  2500.00 |
|          6 | Illustrations         |  4000.00 |
|          7 | ISBN Registration     |   250.00 |
|          8 | Marketing & PR        |  5000.00 |

For more information about data source profiles, click the appropriate version:

Our query against the PRINTOPERATION table looks like:

SELECT printoperation as "Service"
,format(avgcost,0) AS "Cost" 
FROM printoperation;


The following steps demonstrate how to use Markup to insert Confluence's native Chart macro and our SQL macro on a Confluence page:

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