Use SQL File Macro with Markup - 10.x

Use SQL File Macro with Markup - 10.x


Estimated Time: 10 min

In this scenario, we need to add the SQL File macro to a Confluence page by inserting Markup from the menu. The SQL File macro references a file located within the <confluence-home>/script (default) directory on the Confluence server. 


In this scenario, use a data source profileBookWarehouse, to query a database table, BOOKS. The table contains the following columns and rows:

SQL > select * from books;
| id | title                      | author              | price |
|  1 | The Grapes of Wrath        | John Steinbeck      | 12.99 |
|  2 | Nineteen Eighty-Four       | George Orwell       |  8.99 |
|  3 | The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle | Haruki Murakami     |  7.99 |
|  4 | Don Quixote                | Miguel De Cervantes | 29.99 |
|  5 | Pilgrims Progress          | John Bunyan         | 17.99 |
|  6 | Robinson Crusoe            | Daniel Defoe        | 29.05 |
|  7 | Gullivers Travels          | Jonathan Swift      | 15.98 |
|  8 | Tom Jones                  | Henry Fielding      | 13.59 |
|  9 | Clarissa                   | Samuel Richardson   | 13.59 |
| 10 | Tristram Shandy            | Laurence Sterne     |  7.59 |

The statement is present in the books.sql file and is located within the <confluence-home>/script (default) directory on the Confluence server. The statement is as follows:

SELECT title as "Title", author as "Author", price as "Retail Price" FROM books WHERE price < 30 ORDER BY title;


The following steps demonstrate the steps involved in inserting a SQL File macro on a Confluence page:

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