The Rich Filter Controller Gadget

The Rich Filter Controller Gadget


About the Rich Filter Controller gadget

The Rich Filter Controller gadget controls what the other rich filter gadgets display (on the same dashboard and based on the same rich filter as the controller). The controller does not display any issue data; it only displays the quick filters defined in the rich filter.

The Rich Filter Controller gadget also displays three buttons in the bottom-right corner:

  • Auto-refresh—The user can enable the auto-refresh functionality at the dashboard level. If the auto-refresh is enabled, the controller automatically triggers a refresh every 15 minutes. This will refresh all the gadgets in the dashboard that are based on the same rich filter as the controller.

  • Refresh—When you click this button, all the rich filter gadgets on the dashboard are refreshed based on the same rich filter as the controller. The user can manually trigger a dashboard-level refresh.

  • Clear all quick filters—When you click this button, all the active quick filters in the controller are cleared. This also triggers a complete refresh of all the gadgets based on the same rich filter as the controller.

The Rich Filter Controller gadget also allows the user to store the state of the quick filters in a URL. To learn more, see the Dashboard State Permalinks section.

Configuring the Rich Filter Controller gadget

Add a new or edit an existing Rich Filter Controller gadget in your Jira dashboard. The configuration form of the gadget will be displayed:

Edit the gadget configuration as described in the following table:






Optionally, you can customize the title of the gadget. If left blank, the default title will be Rich Filter Controller.

Whether you set a custom title or leave the default, all rich filter gadgets prefix their titles with the name of their rich filter so you can see which gadgets are connected at a glance.

Rich Filter

Select the rich filter the gadget will use.

Click the Rich Filter button to display the list of rich filters; you can either scroll through or use the search box to find the desired filter.

The gadgets’ configuration forms only show the rich filters you can view. Learn more.

The link in the description line below the Rich Filter drop-down opens a new page with the configuration of the selected rich filter.

Also, when the gadget is in display mode, you can navigate directly to its rich filter using the Rich Filter option in the menu at the top right of the gadget.

Quick Filters

Once you have selected a rich filter for your gadget, you can customize which quick filters you want to display in your controller. By default, controllers show all available quick filters. You can use the radio buttons to change this and display only static, dynamic, or smart filters, or you can choose to customize in detail which quick filters to show and in what order using the last option.

If you choose the Customize shown filters option, the configuration form will change to display the list of quick filters. You can add, remove, or reorder (drag and drop the vertical “grid”) the quick filters to be displayed.

Besides the individual quick filters, the custom list menu contains three “group” options: All Static Filters, All Dynamic Filters, and All Smart Filters. If used, the gadget will display in their place all quick filters of the specified type except those that are explicitly included. For example, you can use this to show the Priority dynamic filter first, then all static filters, and then all dynamic filters other than Priority.

Enable additional JQL filtering

This option is more relevant to advanced users. If the additional JQL filtering is enabled, the controller will also allow users to type additional JQL directly in the controller. The JQL will be applied to all the other rich filter gadgets (on the same dashboard and based on the same rich filter as the controller).

If the additional JQL filtering is enabled, the controller shows a +JQL button. When you click the button, the controller displays the additional JQL box that allows users to apply new custom filtering. 

Filtering mode

For dynamic filters that display drop-downs (ex, Component/s, Labels, Status, Assignee, etc.), the controller provides the following filtering modes:

  • OR: this is the default filtering mode. If multiple values are selected, these are ORed – the filter returns all the issues that match any (at least one) of the selected values:


  • The JQL generated for the example above is "component in (Admin, Architecture)" which is functionally equivalent with "component = Admin OR component = Architecture".

  • AND: if multiple values are selected, these are ANDed – the filter returns all the issues that match all of the selected values at the same time:

    The JQL generated for the example above is "component = Admin AND component = Architecture".

  • NOTE: the selected values are negated – the filter will return issues that don't match any of the selected values:

    The JQL generated for the example above is "component not in (Admin, Architecture) or component is empty".

Dashboard state permalinks

Dashboard state permalinks are URLs that encode the state of the rich filter gadgets on the dashboard. Later, you can use the URL to open the dashboard and restore the rich filter gadgets to the same state.  

To generate a dashboard state permalink, open the menu of any Rich Filter Controller gadget on the dashboard and select the option Permalink:

This will open a dialog containing a generated URL, which encodes the state of all the rich filter gadgets on the dashboard. 

You can bookmark this URL or send it to someone else. When the URL is opened, the rich filter gadgets will be restored to the same state as when the link was generated: the same quick filters selected, the same selected views, and the same sorting criteria in the Rich Filter Results gadgets.