Add rich filter statistics gadgets to your dashboard

Add rich filter statistics gadgets to your dashboard

By the end of this tutorial, you will be able to configure and use Rich Filter Statistics gadgets and control the displayed data with a Rich Filter Controller gadget. 

For this tutorial, you need to have already created:

  • a rich filter with at least one smart filter

  • a dashboard with one Rich Filter Controller gadget and at least one Rich Filter Filter Results gadget based on your rich filter.

We have used the dashboard we worked with in the previous tutorial.

On this page:

Add Rich Filter Statistics gadgets

  1. Open the dashboard based on your rich filter, or build a new oneAdd two Rich Filter Statistics gadgets to the dashboard. We have used the Right sidebar layout and have added the gadgets directly in the empty column on the right by clicking on the add a new gadget link located in the middle of the column.

    Click twice on the Add button to add two Rich Filter Statistics gadgets.

  2. Select your rich filter in the configuration form of the first Rich Filter Statistics gadget.

  3. Let's suppose we need to exclude canceled issues from the statistics. The gadget should work only with non-canceled issues, which in our case means issues with no resolution or a Fixed or Done resolution. To achieve this, type the JQL resolution in (EMPTY, Fixed, Done) in the Working Query field.

  4. Select Assignee as Statistic type, add Issue Count and Story Points to the Values list, then click Submit.


  5. Rename the gadget as Not Cancelled - Statistics by Assignee. The gadget displays the Issue Count and the sum of the Story Points for each assignee, excluding the canceled issues.


  6. You can click on the header of any column to sort the rows by the values in that column (clicking again on the same header will reverse the sort order).


  7. Select your rich filter in the configuration form of the second Rich Filter Statistics gadget. In the Statistic type options, you'll notice that the smart filters configured in the selected rich filter are available. Select the Warnings smart filter as Statistic type.


  8. Add Issue Count to the list of Values, then click on Submit. The gadget displays the Issue Count for each clause of the smart filter.

  9. If you activate quick filters in the Rich Filter Controller gadget (any combination of static, dynamic, and smart filters), the other gadgets in the dashboard based on the same rich filter will be updated to use only the issues that satisfy the active quick filters. If a gadget has a JQL filtering condition defined in the Working Query, this condition is also applied to that gadget.

Use quick charts in Rich Filter Statistics gadgets

In addition to the default table view, the Rich Filter Statistics gadget provides a chart view. We call these charts quick charts because they are directly available on gadgets without requiring any specific configuration. Let's see how they work in your dashboard's first Rich Filter Statistics gadget.

  1. Click on the chart icon at the bottom right of the gadget.

  2. A donut chart of Issue Count (the first column in the table) by Assignee is displayed. The chart type selector at the bottom of the gadget allows you to switch to any of the available chart types. Let's switch to the bar chart.

  3. A second selector at the bottom of the gadget allows you to switch between its values (columns). Let's switch to Story Points.

  4. You can hover over the bars to see a tooltip with details.

  5. You can switch back to the table view at any moment by clicking on the table icon at the bottom right of the gadget.

    The slices or bars are displayed in the same order as the table. To change the order, switch to the table view, change the sort order by clicking on the column header, and then switch back to the chart view.

See also

Configuring Smart Filters

Rich Filter Statistics gadget

Add Rich Filter Two-Dimensional Statistics gadgets to your dashboard.