Build a simple interactive Jira dashboard

Build a simple interactive Jira dashboard

By the end of this tutorial, you will know how to build a simple Jira dashboard with two interactive gadgets: a Rich Filter Controller gadget and a Rich Filter Results gadget. The dashboard users will be able to filter the issues that the Rich Filter Results gadget displays by clicking on buttons (static filters) in the Rich Filter Controller gadget.

You should have created a rich filter for this tutorial already. We have used the rich filter created in the previous tutorial.

On this page:

  1. Add static filters to the rich filter

  2. Build the dashboard

Add static filters to the rich filter

  1. Open the configuration page of your rich filter as described in the previous tutorial.

  2. Click on the Static Filters menu entry on the left side of the screen.


  3. Define the two static filters shown above by clicking the Create static filter button at the top right of the screen and typing the name and JQL query in the dialog box.

Build the dashboard

  1. Create a new Jira dashboard by clicking on Create dashboard in the Dashboards menu of Jira’s navigation bar.


  2. Fill in the fields in the dialog and click Save.

    1. Choose a name and a description for your dashboard

    2. Choose who can see and edit your dashboard

  3. You can add a Rich Filter Results gadget to the dashboard by clicking the Add gadget button at the top right of the screen.

  4. In the configuration form of the Rich Filter Results gadget, select your rich filter. You don't need to change anything else for now. Then click on Submit.

The Rich Filter field provides a search function to easily find your rich filter by typing only a part of its name.

  1. Add a Rich Filter Controller gadget to the same Jira dashboard.

  2. In the configuration form of the Rich Filter Controller gadget, select the same rich filter as in the Rich Filter Results gadget. You don't need to change anything else for now. Click on Submit.

Congratulations, you have just created your first interactive Jira dashboard! The Rich Filter Controller gadget displays the two static filters defined in your rich filter. They are displayed as on/off buttons that can be independently activated and deactivated simply by clicking on them. When you activate or deactivate a static filter, the Rich Filter Results gadget will be updated to display the issue collection obtained by applying the Jira base filter of the rich filter combined (ANDed) with the JQL queries of the active static filters. For example, if you click on Closed, the Rich Filter Results gadget will be updated to display only the closed issues among those returned by the Jira base filter.

You can change the order of the static filters in the rich filter configuration. In each Rich Filter Controller gadget, you can use this default order or customize the list of filters to be displayed by selecting the ones you want and placing them in the order you want.

Learn More

To learn more about static filters, look at Configuring Static Filters.

To learn how to customize the display of the issues in your Jira dashboard, continue to the tutorial Define views for your dashboard.