The Rich Filter Results Gadget

The Rich Filter Results Gadget


About the Rich Filter Results gadget

The Rich Filter Results gadget displays one or multiple lists of issues. It resembles Jira’s built-in Filter Results gadget, but it is based on a rich filter instead of a Jira saved search and thus adds several new features:

  • the content displayed can be further filtered by using Rich Filter Controller gadgets;

  • the gadget itself can further refine the results by applying a gadget-specific JQL query called a working query;

  • the gadget can display multiple views defined in the rich filter (which can include computed columns and color coding);

  • the gadget can display all the issues (the default behavior) or one or multiple queues; queues are custom lists of issues configured in the rich filter;

  • the gadget allows the users to edit the issues directly from the dashboard using the issue dialog;

  • the gadget gives easy access to Jira's bulk operations on the displayed issues;

  • end-users can customize the layout of each view; 

  • the content of the gadget can be exported to PDF, Excel (.xlsx), and CSV formats.

Example 1: gadget configured to display the issues using three views:

Example 2: gadget configured to display three support queues:

Example 3: the selected view displays a Gantt chart:

Configure the Rich Filter Results gadget

Add a new or edit an existing Rich Filter Results gadget in your Jira dashboard. The configuration form of the gadget will be displayed:

Edit the gadget configuration as described in the following table:





Rich Filter

Select the rich filter on which the gadget will be based.

Click on the Rich Filter selector to display the list of rich filters; you can either scroll through or use the search box to find the filter you need.

The gadgets’ configuration forms only show the rich filters you can view. For details, see the Rights and Permissions documentation page.

Working Query

The working query is an additional JQL query that is permanently applied on top of the base Jira filter and any active quick filters in the controller to further filter the issues the gadget will work with. The working query is optional: if left empty, only the base Jira filter and the quick filters affect the issues displayed by the gadget.

The working query can also contain an ORDER BY clause. If such a clause is present, it precedes the order defined by the base Jira filter. You can even have a working query that contains only the ORDER BY clause if you want to change only the default order of the displayed issues.

Note that the gadget can also display queues of issues (see below). In such a case, the order defined in queues takes precedence over all other orders by clauses. 


Two options are possible:

  • All issues—The gadget will display the list of issues returned by the rich filter and any additional filtering at the dashboard level. With the "Views" setting (see below), you can then select the views that will be used to display the issues.

  • Queues—The gadget will display the queues selected in the "Queues" setting (see below). Each queue will use the views configured in the rich filter.


This applies only if the display option is All issues

Here, you can select the views (among the views defined in the selected rich filter) displayed by the gadget. By default, all the views are displayed (the option Show all views is selected).

The list of views to be displayed can be customized (by selecting the option Customize shown views). You can add, remove, or reorder (drag and drop the vertical “grid” icon) the views to be displayed.


This applies only if the display option is Queues.

Here, you can select the queues (among the queues defined in the selected rich filter) displayed by the gadget. By default, all the queues are displayed (the option Show all queues is selected).

The list of queues to be displayed can be customized (by selecting the option Customize shown queues). You can add, remove, or reorder (drag and drop the vertical “grid” icon) the queues to be displayed.

The queues displayed in the same gadget are independent of the current view, page, and sort order.

Maximum Rows

The maximum number of issues the gadget will display per page. The default is 10; it can be changed but cannot exceed 50.

Customize view layout

The end users can customize the layout of each view in two ways:

  • Adjusting the width of any column,

  • Choosing how the rows are displayed – two options are available:

    • rows of variable height, i.e., the rows are displayed on one or several lines, depending on the content and the horizontal space available in the gadget – this is the default option;

    • rows of the same height, i.e., the rows are always displayed with one line per row (some content will be hidden when the available horizontal space is insufficient).

To adjust the width of a column, simply drag the edge of the column header to reduce or increase its size.

The settings dropdown situated in the top-right corner of the issues table allows you to customize the layout of the current view further:

  • The One-line rows button will enable you to toggle between rows of variable height (one or multiple lines per row) and rows of the same height (one line per row);

  • If the width of at least one column has been customized, the Reset column width option removes the customizations and reverts to the default column width.

The customizations are remembered at the browser level and do not impact other users of the same dashboard.

Update issues using the issue dialog

You can update issues directly from the dashboard using the issue dialog accessible from the Rich Filter Results gadget. You'll find an Open issue dialog button on the gadget's right-hand side when hovering over an issue. Clicking this button will open the issue dialog directly in the dashboard, allowing users to preview and/or update issues.

Once the user closes the issue dialog, the dashboard is automatically updated to reflect any changes made.

Bulk change issues

The issues displayed in the Rich Filter Results gadget can be modified in bulk by using the Bulk change issues... button located in the gadget's footer.

When clicking Bulk Change Issues, the button redirects you to Jira's Bulk Operation screen. This allows you to edit, move, transition, delete, watch, or stop watching multiple issues in one operation. 

Use Gantt charts

A Gantt chart is a bar chart that illustrates a project schedule. Any view can be configured to display a Gantt chart in addition to normal columns like Key and Summary.

In the view configuration (see Enable Gantt chart for details), the Gantt chart is configured with:

  • a start and an end date based on issue fields,

  • optionally, a list of dependencies based on issue link types,

  • a choice for bar colors: predefined based on the issues' status category or customized based on a smart filter.

In Rich Filter Results gadgets, views with a Gantt chart are displayed like any other view: they can be used in queues, sorting, pagination, issue dialog, switching between views, etc., and work normally. The only particularity of views with a Gantt chart is that they can only be displayed with the one-line layout.

Below are the main things to know when using Gantt charts:

  • The dependencies are represented with badges showing the number of the corresponding issues, placed to the left or the right of the bar, depending on the order of precedence.

  • You can hover over a bar to see a tooltip with the start and end dates and the bar's duration.

  • You can quickly scroll the chart by dragging the background or using the top and bottom scroll bars.

  • When the bar of issues is present in the chart but not currently visible, an arrow at the left edge allows you to scroll the chart to see that bar automatically.

The settings icon situated in the top-right of the issues table gives access to the following Gantt-specific features:

  • Click on Go to today to scroll the chart to the current period automatically.

  • Hover over the GANTT lozenge to see which date fields the Gantt is based on.

  • You can change the chart zoom level. The available options are D, W, M, and Q, which represent days, weeks, months, and quarters, respectively.