Configuring Rich Filters
The rich filters extend the Jira native filters to include definitions for additional filtering capabilities (quick filters), issue highlighting, multiple views for the results, and other settings that can be used by rich filter gadgets. The rich filters greatly simplify the configuration of rich filter gadgets and allow these to coordinate and interact with one another to provide powerful interactive dashboards.
The principle is simple: all gadgets with a rich filter on the same dashboard are automatically connected. You can activate and deactivate quick filters in a gadget, and the other gadgets will automatically reload to reflect the filtering. You can edit the rich filter, and all gadgets that use it on any dashboard will be updated the next time they are loaded: new options appear, views or filters change, without needing to re-configure each gadget individually.
Each Rich Filter has the following key attributes:
The name serves as an identifier for the rich filter.
The description lets you store additional text information about the rich filter.
Administrators are users who are allowed to edit the configuration of the rich filter. The user who creates a rich filter is automatically set as that filter’s administrator. However, it is possible to allow other users to edit the rich filter by adding them to the administrator’s list.
The Jira filter is the base data source for every gadget that uses the rich filter.
Jira administrators can edit the configuration of any Rich Filter independently of the administrators' list.