Configuring Static Filters


About Static Filters

Static Filters allow users to further filter the issues displayed by the rich filter gadgets. Once configured, rich filter controller gadgets can display static filters as buttons. When a static filter button is selected in a rich filter controller gadget, all the other gadgets in the same dashboard and, based on the same rich filter, apply the JQL of the static filter.

Static Filters' Key Attributes

The Static Filters section of your rich filter allows you to add new static filters and view their configuration.

The key attributes of a static filter are:






Each static filter has a name used to identify and display it. The name is mandatory and must be unique among the static filters within the rich filter.


The selected color will display related values in rich filter gadgets (e.g., the Rich Filter Simple Gauges gadget).


The JQL query defines the filtering condition of the static filter.

Adding & Editing Static Filters

The Static Filters section of your rich filter allows you to perform the following operations:

To achieve this:

Do the following:

To achieve this:

Do the following:

Add a new Static Filter

Click on the Create Static Filter button at the top right of the screen. 

Type a name and a JQL for your static filter and optionally change its color, then click the Create button.

You can add up to 50 static filters in each rich filter.

Edit the JQL of a Static Filter

Click on the Edit icon at the right of the static filter.

Delete a Static Filter

Click on the Delete icon at the right of the static filter.

Reorder the Static Filters

Hover over the vertical “grid” icon, then drag and drop the static filter up or down to its new position.

Controller gadgets display this rich filter's static filters, shown in the default order configured in this section.