Report Link
Displays the specified key value as a link.
It is assumed that the item/key value is an absolute or server-relative link. If not, the prefix and postfix parameters can be used to prepend or append extra values to the URL.
Name | Required | Migratable to Cloud? | Default Value | Description |
[default] /key |
| The key chain value to use as the link URL. |
info (Hover Text) |
| The text which will be displayed when the user hovers their mouse over the link. |
trim (Trim URL Whitespace) |
| true | If set to false, the URL will not be trimmed. |
postfix (URL Postfix) |
| The item to append to the item/key value in the link. |
prefix (URL Prefix) |
| The text to prepend to the item/key value in the link. |
target |
| The target frame to open the link in. May be any standard HTML target. |
default |
| The wiki markup to output if the specified item/key has no value. |
Editor View
Not applicable.
Macro Edit View
Not applicable.
Link to parent
This will create a link to the current page's parent page, if it has one.
{report-link:content:parent > content:url|default=_This page has no par