Migrating from Dataplane Server/Data Center to Dashboard Hub Pro Cloud

Migrating from Dataplane Server/Data Center to Dashboard Hub Pro Cloud


Dataplane Reports is not available for Cloud, but now, you can migrate your Dataplane Reports Server/Data Center to Cloud using Dashboard Hub Pro.

Due to Dashboard Hub Pro’s high compatibility with Dataplane, we’re adding Dataplane’s best features to Dashboard Hub Pro to give you a Dataplane Reports-compatible Cloud solution. For that, we’ve enabled a seamless path to migrate your Dataplane Reports data to Dashboard Hub for Jira Cloud automatically using JCMA.

Automatic migration from Dataplane Reports for Jira Server/Data Center to the Dashboard Hub Pro Cloud using JCMA

Preparing your migration

If you plan to migrate Dataplane Server/DC to Cloud, you must prepare, know the required steps, and choose the strategy that best fits your environment/business requirements

Migration Prerequisites

  1. Assess your app, data, and users

From your Dataplane Reports Server instance, use the Migration Assistant to complete all the pre-migration assessment steps. The pre-migration assessment steps are:

  • Assess app

  • Prepare your app

  • Assess and prepare users

  1. Install or access the Migration Assistant

How to Install JCMA

  1. In the Dataplane Reports Server or Data Center Administration page, select Manage apps.

  2. Select Find new apps.

  3. Search for Jira Cloud Migration Assistant.

  4. Select Install.

To learn more go to Update or install the Jira Cloud Migration Assistant | Atlassian Support

The migration assistant (JCMA) allows you to migrate your app and data to your Cloud instance and your Cloud instance is, of course, your destination where you migrate apps, data, and users.

How to Access JCMA

  1. Select Settings ⚙️ in the top right corner of the screen.

  2. Select System.

  3. Select Import and Export from the left navigation menu.

  4. Select Migrate to Cloud.

  1. Create or have a Cloud site/instance.

  2. Locate your base URL (source) - required when you connect to your Cloud instance.

How to Locate your base URL (source)

  1. In your server instance, go to System.

  2. Select General Configuration.

The Settings page shows the Base URL.

Starting your migration

The Migration Assistant provides automation when migrating the Dataplane Reports Server/DC instance to the Cloud. To learn more about planning and executing your migration, refer to:

Server to Cloud migration guide | Atlassian

The migration consists of two main phases: Assessing your app, data, and users, and the actual migration (Create migration).

The JCMA Migration workflow table shows the steps that you do in your instance and the ones you have to do in your Cloud instance.

The JCMA Migration Workflow






Install and/or verify the JCMA app is installed and updated to the latest version.


Identify or create your target Jira Cloud instance.


Install the Dashboard Hub for the Jira Cloud app.


Go to the JCMA “Migration Assistant home” page by navigating to Jira Administration > System > Migrate to cloud.


On the JCMA “Migration Assistant home” page, prepare for migrating Jira data by selecting the Dataplane Reports app for migration, assessing and preparing your users, and reviewing your users and email domains.


Create a new JCMA Migration plan—using “Choose what to migrate”—for migrating your Jira users, groups, projects, boards, and filters (without Dataplane Reports data), and run this Migration plan to migrate the bulk of Jira data to Cloud.


Create a second JCMA Migration plan—using “Choose what to migrate”—for migrating Dataplane Reports app data. Run the pre-migration checks, select “View app vendor checks”, and review Dataplane Reports' pre-migration analysis of the availability of compatible reports in Dashboard Hub for Jira Cloud and any flagged issues such as invalid references to Jira projects, fields, filters, groups or users.


Correct any issues with the initial Jira data migration that were flagged by the Dataplane Reports' pre-migration checks.


Run the Dataplane Reports Migration plan to migrate app data to Cloud.


Navigate to Jira Settings > Apps > Post migration report (Dashboard Hub). For the migration just performed, click on “View Details” to review the post-migration report.
The report also shows the total number of reports that were available for migration in the server instance

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Navigate to Apps > Dashboard Hub to review the new Dashboard Hub dashboards and gadgets created from your Dataplane reports.


Correct any issues with the initial Dataplane Reports data migration


Re-run the Dataplane Reports Migration plan as many times as needed until you are satisfied with the migration


Creating the migration

To start migrating your data, log in to the Dataplane server instance you want to migrate your users and projects from, this is also called base URL. This is the source from where you move your data.

Connecting to the Cloud

When you connect to the Cloud, provide the following information:

  • Migration name

  • Migration stage eg test or production

  • Destination - your cloud site

  • Base URL from where you want to migrate i.e. your Dataplane Reports server instance.

Migration options

A cloud migration strategy is the high-level plan an organization adopts to move an existing server DC installation and co-located applications and their associated data into the cloud.

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Specific to the migration of Dataplane Reports to Cloud, you can choose from two migration options:

  • Migrate all your data at once

When you choose to migrate all at once, you need to start with an empty Cloud site.
You can also exclude or include the attachments by selecting the Exclude all attachments option.

  • You choose your migration strategy in Dataplane Server/DC.

This option allows you to migrate selected data, projects, and users into an existing Cloud site.
You can repeat this option as many times as you require until everything is migrated to the Cloud site.

Deleting projects in your Cloud instance

If you need to re-run part or all of the migration, you must delete the projects that you want to migrate again from your Cloud instance; if the project already exists in your Cloud instance, you receive error messages when re-running the migration.

When you delete a project, depending on the project size, it might take a while.

Always refresh and re-run the pre-migration checks to ensure the project is deleted.

Run pre-migration checks

After you choose your migration strategy, the Pre-migration page displays all the checks that are run.

The Pre-migration checks are standard Atlassian controls to verify the status and readiness of your:

  • System

  • User and Groups

  • Projects

  • Cross-projects

  • Data preparation

  • Apps

In addition to the standard Atlassian checks, two additional app vendor check is implemented for Dataplane.

The App Vendor Checks

The app vendor checks are designed to reduce the possibility of app migration failure.
Dataplane Reports performs the following two app vendor checks:

  • Reports Availability in the Cloud
    This warning is always shown. It is just to encourage you to check the availability of features in Dashboard Hub Pro Cloud on this documentation page: Features Comparison for Dataplane Server/Data Center vs Dashboard Hub Pro Cloud
    It is something you have to check manually. You cannot get rid of this message. If you are aware of any limitations from missing features in Dashboard Hub Pro Cloud, you can ignore this message and move on.

  • Invalid reference report
    This pre-migration check will detect any inconsistencies in your Dataplane Reports configurations. That actually might already be a problem in Dataplane Reports on your Jira Server / Data Center instance. Dataplane Reports might not be able to run those reports correctly.
    For best results after your cloud migration, we recommend you fix these problems already in Dataplane Reports on your Jira Server / Data Center instance.
    You could move on with your cloud migration without fixing anything. But the detected inconsistencies will be the same problem in Dashboard Hub Pro Cloud.

In case of errors or warnings, you can re-run all of the checks or select only the checks that show errors, using the Refresh icon next to each set of checks.

Review your migration

When the pre-migration checks are completed, you can review what the migration includes, the status for each item, the logs, and the reports.


The Review page

Running the migration

You can run your migration now or save it and come back later.

Once you save your migration, you won’t be able to add or remove projects.

When you are ready, click on Run to start migrating to your Cloud instance.

Post-migration reports and messages

When the migration is complete a link is created.

Click on the link to view the post-migration report. In the post-migration report, messages are displayed showing items that were skipped in the migration and why.

The types of messages that are provided are:

  • Skipped messages

Skipped messages are displayed when one or more reports/records cannot be imported.
For example, if a type of report in Dataplane Report is yet to be implemented on the Cloud or the owner of a report (user account) does not exist in the Cloud.

For each skipped record, we write 1 skippedMessage.

  • Warning message

Warning messages alert that there is a problem in a report. For example, if the configuration contains a reference to a custom field that does not exist on Cloud.

The reports with warning messages count towards importedCounts.

  • Error message

Error messages let you know of major problems encountered during the migration.

See also

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