October 2021 News
October 2021
Data Center version is here
The news couldn't be happier for us, our beloved Dashboard Hub is now available for Data Center instances (Jira and Confluence). Thanks to our recent incorporation to the Appfire family, we've been able to speed up this process. We want to thank everyone involved, but specially to our colleague Javier who's been working non-stop the last weeks and Shankar who has helped Javier with all the performance testing and improvements.
Read more in this community article 📟 Dashboard Hub Data Center is here! For Jira and Confluence 📊
Customers journey
While we are excited to offer Data Center versions of these apps to our enterprise customers, we know many larger organizations are also considering or have already made the move to Cloud. To support all our customers in their migration plans, we reviewed our existing pricing and the new Cloud pricing options recently released by Atlassian, and we've reduced prices for our Cloud customers with 500 or more users. You can see a breakdown of these changes for both our Confluence and Jira apps.
By the way, did you know that our dashboards support datasources from cloud, server and data center already? Check this article Hybrid Dashboards: Data from Server, Data Center and Cloud in the same Dashboard
Are you thinking of moving to cloud? Check the Atlassian Migration Program
Projectrak Integration
Good morning my friends! we bring a brand new release with a nice surprise... The first part of the integration with DEISER's Projectrak. Now you can enjoy all the power of project tracking in your dashboards. There's no excuses, improve the control over your projects!
Integration with DEISER's Projectrak 🪅
Projectrak Custom Charts gadget to create custom charts from Projectrak data
You can read more in our blog https://appfire.com/resource/dashboard-hub-jira-projectrak-integration/!
Bug Fixing Spree
We’ve been working on the stability of all our versions (Jira and Confluence) across all hosting options (cloud, server and data center). We know this is not something our final users can see, but we are sure you appreciate 🐞🐞🐞 (check more details in the Release Notes of each version).
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