File Tree

File Search

When you select a folder, you can start typing in the search box to find files by name. Note that it searches files and folders recursively and also looks inside folders under the currently selected one.

Tree Objects

Objects in the file tree are contextual. With the right click you open the contextual menu where you can perform actions related to that item:

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Right Clicking on Folders

Contextual Options

  • Refresh - new files added to the folder on the file system (not created within the SIL Manager) are not automatically visible in the SIL Manager. The view must be refreshed in order to view the new files.

  • Rename - rename the folder

  • Delete - delete the folder

  • New

    • File - create a new file under the selected folder

    • Folder - create a new sub-folder under the selected folder

Only empty folders can be deleted

Right Clicking on Files

Contextual Options

  • Rename - rename the file

  • Delete - delete the file

  • Storage type

    • Disk - file should be stored on the file system (disk)

    • Database - file should be stored in the database

  • Changing the storage type in this menu will cause the file to be migrated to the newly selected storage type

  • To migrate all of the script files see the new migration feature on this page


Note that the delete and rename operations are performed without checking for usages. If your script is already used, for instance in a action (post function) for a certain workflow, deleting or renaming it will break that workflow. Be careful when performing these operations.
