

Returns an array with the Issue keys linked with the specified one.
This function searches for all the linked issues with the one given as argument (parameter) and builds an array that contains them. The second parameter [linkTypeName] is optional and represents a searching filter that selects only those issues that have a certain relation (link type) with the argument issue.
The Issue types that can be given as arguments are:

  1. Blocks

  2. Relates

  3. Clones

But also other Issue links can be defined. To add new link type follow the tutorial from It can be used to find connections between different issues.
The third parameter [direction] is optional and it is used to specify whether to retrieve inward links or outward links.



Return Type



A good way to understand the idea of this function is by using an example, so:

return linkedIssues("TUT-1","Blocks");

See also

Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.