Project notifications 5.0.8
From the administration area of Delegated Project Creator for Jira, you can specify when email notifications can be sent.
- Navigate to Cog menu  Apps.
- Locate the Delegated Project Creator section in the left sidebar and select Project Notifications Settings to display the Configuration Project Project Notifications Settings page.
From the Configure Project Notifications Settings page:
- Click the Add button (
- Current logged in user
- Project requester
- Project creator
- Project owner
- All creators
- All potential project owners
- All users that have previously commented
- All project request approvers
- Group
) next to a notification type to add a new recipient for that notification type. The recipients can include any of the following: - Click Delete ( ) next to an existing recipient to delete that recipient's notifications for that notification type.
In order to reduce the email noise, the Jira setting of "My changes" in the user profile is honored. For more information please visit
Notification types
Event | Generated when... |
Project created | A project is created from a template |
Project request submitted | A user submits a request for a new project |
Project request rejected | An approver rejects someone's request for a new project |
Project request commented on | A requester or approver adds a comment to a request for a new project |
Project request approved | An approver approves someone's request for a new project |
- A common sender email address and sender name for all these notifications are configurable through "General Configuration" under "Notifications to be sent from" section.
- If they are not configured, the default Jira mail address is used in the "From" field except for project request notifications. For project request notifications requestor's email address is used in the "From" field, instead of the default Jira mail address, to prevent notification emails from being blocked or rejected by email servers.
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