

Table of Contents:


The /projects endpoint returns projects that were created with a DPC template. You can use it to retrieve:

  • a list of all the Jira projects created with any of the DPC templates;

  • a list of all the Jira projects created with a specific DPC template.

Get a list of all projects created with a project template



Sample request

curl -u admin:admin -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -v http://your.jira.url/rest/projecttemplates/1.0/wittified/reports/projects

Sample response

[ { "pkey": "TYTUIUI", "pname": "tytytytyt", "templateName": "template 2", "creator": "sysadmin", "requester": "", "creationDate": "Jan 25, 2024 04:33:37" }, { "pkey": "OPOPOPP", "pname": "opoppo", "templateName": "template 2", "creator": "sysadmin", "requester": "", "creationDate": "Jan 25, 2024 04:33:18" }, { "pkey": "YYYYY", "pname": "yyyyy", "templateName": "asdf", "creator": "sysadmin", "requester": "", "creationDate": "Jan 11, 2024 05:38:39" }, { "pkey": "YYYY", "pname": "yyyy", "templateName": "asdf", "creator": "sysadmin", "requester": "", "creationDate": "Jan 08, 2024 07:14:14" } ]

Get a list of projects created with a specific project template



Sample request

curl -u admin:admin -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -v http://your.jira.url/rest/projecttemplates/1.0/wittified/reports/projects?template=template 2

Sample response

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