

Allows a trusted user to Create a project from the specified template.




Parameter NameValueDescription
projectKeyStringThe desired project key.
projectNameStringThe desired project name.
templateIdStringThe template id to use.
projectCategoryIdLongThe project category id to use
baseProjectStringThe project id of the project you would like the settings to be copied from
projectLeadStringThe user to make the projectLead. If none passed the current user will be used.

Sample request

curl -u admin:admin -X POST -d @content.txt -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -v http://your.jira.url/rest/projecttemplates/1.0/create-templates/create

Where content.txt contains:


Sample response

    "hasError": false,
    "name":"Marketing Project",
    "key": "Marketing",
    "general":"General error message if one occurred",
    "extraHTMLFragment":"Extra html to be displayed to end user."

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