Why migrate to Cloud?


The contents of this guide are intended for customers who have decided to migrate Comala Publishing to cloud.

Comala Publishing v3.1.0 or later must be installed prior to migration in your server instance.

If you haven't decided on your migration, read this article for more information.

Confluence Cloud

The benefit of a cloud environment is that your cloud app will always have the most up-to-date features available. It's also less demand on your own IT infrastructure support needs.

More information on benefits of using the Atlassian Cloud platform can be found on Atlassian's Why Cloud?

As we progress through the cloud journey, we continue to work toward feature parity between our server/data centre apps and our cloud apps. In the meantime, not all features available on our server apps are available for cloud.

Review our Product Comparison for Comala Publishing cloud and server app. There is also a features roadmap for the development of features for Comala Document Management Cloud app.

The migration journey

Get familiar with Comala Publishing for Cloud

As there are differences between our Server / DC and Cloud products, we recommend that you create a test Cloud instance and install a free trial of Comala Publishing to understand the capabilities...

Comala Publishing for Cloud includes


Follow the migration process steps to

  • plan for migration

  • prepare your cloud site including the installation of the Comala Publishing app

  • use the Confluence Cloud Migration Assistant to migrate your content

You should allocate time for a test migration to understand the steps required to migrate data and complete re-configuration.

There are several manual migration migration tasks.

For users who use Comala Publishing integration with a Comala workflow to manage and publish their documents, there is also a migration path for the Comala Document Management app.

Important Information from Atlassian

In October 2021, Atlassian announced their intention to retire their self-managed server offerings as they move their platform to the cloud.

Atlassian Server end of life was 15 February 2024. This means existing customers that want to continue to use Atlassian products, need to migrate to their cloud or data centre platforms.

FAQ Migration Planning