Searching in Cloud for MultiExcerpt or MultiExcerpt Includes

Atlassian’s general search can be challenging at times when you are looking for Macros. You can use the API search for better accuracy. However, it has a limit of 250 results, which are not as easily read.

Add the below search after your instance URL to use the REST API search function.

Below are two sets of queries; the first set searches for the MultiExcerpt, and the second searches for the MultiExcerpt Include.

  • The first line of each set will give you all pages with the macro on it up to the 1st 25 uses. The second line will raise the limit to 250. 

  • The limit is Atlassian's, and you can type a larger number in the line; however, you will still not get more than 250 results because Atlassian's search REST API pagination is broken.

/wiki/rest/api/content/search?cql=macro=%27multiexcerpt-macro%27 /wiki/rest/api/content/search?cql=macro=%27multiexcerpt-macro%27&limit=250 /wiki/rest/api/content/search?cql=macro=%27multiexcerpt-include-macro%27 /wiki/rest/api/content/search?cql=macro=%27multiexcerpt-include-macro%27&limit=250

Atlassian's documentation on using the API search indicates that if you have more than 250 words, you can add more language to start over after the 1st 250 results, but in practice, we have not found that to work. It will not paginate the result correctly. If you have more than 250 results, we recommend you review the documents and open a ticket with Atlassian for further assistance. 

Below is some documentation on Atlassian's process.

Advanced searching using CQL

The Confluence Cloud REST API