Add formulas for technical paper

Add formulas for technical paper


Create your technical paper by adding formulas and referring to formulas that you have already mentioned using LaTeX Math features.


The following steps demonstrate how to create and reuse the content using the LaTeX Math Block macro, and LaTeX Math Block Reference macro features:

Step 1

Create an equation

  1. Navigate to the technical paper and click edit.

  2. Go to the content where you need to insert the formula.

  3. Type ‘/' and search for the LaTeX Math Block macro or use the '+’ option in the main toolbar and search for the LaTeX Math Block macro.

  4. Select the LaTeX Math Block macro.

  5. Type the equation in LaTeX formatted math. A preview is generated.

  6. Choose the alignment from the top right corner options.

  7. Specify an anchor. By specifying the anchor you can refer to the equation on a different page or the same page.

  8. Click Insert.

Specify the proper names for each of the anchor that is created across the page so that you can reference them on a different page or the same page.

Step 2

Link the equation

Add the LaTeX Math Block Reference macros to refer to the formula on the different page(s):

  1. Navigate to where you want to refer to the formula.

  2. Type ‘/' and search for the LaTeX Math Block Reference macro or use the '+’ option in the editor’s main toolbar and search for the LaTeX Math Block Reference macro.

  3. Select the LaTeX Math Block Reference macro.

  4. Specify the anchor of the equation that you mentioned earlier in step one.
    note You must remember the anchor of the equation. Make sure you mention the relevant anchor name so you can refer to them whenever required.

  5. Select the Confluence page. In this example, we refer to the formula from the same page, hence we leave the parameter blank.

  6. The reference link is automatically created.

Step 3

Follow steps one and two. Create and link the formula(s) in as many locations as you want.