How to convert third-party LaTeX Math macros (Data center) to LaTeX Math macros (cloud)

How to convert third-party LaTeX Math macros (Data center) to LaTeX Math macros (cloud)

This article is relevant for administrators only!

This article is for those customers who:

  1. Want to migrate from their LaTeX Math macros from Data center (DC) to cloud

  2. Want to use Appfire’s LaTeX Math macros available in the cloud

This article describes the process for permanently converting third-party LaTeX Math macros in DC to Appfire’s LaTeX Math macros in cloud.

To allow this conversion, a tool must be executed to prepare the pages before they can be migrated. This tool makes it simple to handle migration compatibility issues. Third-party LaTeX macros can be easily converted without data loss, making your DC-to-cloud migration more compatible.

This conversion process is an alternative to using user macros (read this Atlassian article), as described in the this article article. Note that user macros are not available in cloud.

  • The conversion tool used to prepare pages for migration is only available on the LaTeX Math DC/server.

  • Pages can be migrated from DC to cloud, but templates cannot. Once the migration is complete, administrators and users must modify or recreate all templates in their cloud instances.

  • The Prepare Migration wizard changes the macro key names for all spaces or specific spaces.


You must first obtain the macro key to convert third-party LaTeX Math macros to LaTeX Math macros. To obtain the macro key, perform the following:

  1. Navigate to the source page containing the macro you want to migrate.

  2. Go to> View storage format. The storage format details window is displayed.
    For example:

    <ac:structured-macro ac:name="ppl mathjax inline macro" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="404b812b-323b-44ec-af01-a7748fb8146b"> <ac:parameter ac:name="equation">e=mc^2</ac:parameter> </ac:structured-macro>
  3. Look for the following details:

    1. For Source Macro key: Under <ac:structured-macro ac:name="ppl mathjax inline macro", copy the value of ac:name. For example: ppl mathjax inline macro.

    2. For Source Math contained in: Under <ac:parameter ac:name="equation">e=mc^2</ac:parameter>, copy the value of ac:name. For example: equation.

Prepare pages for conversion

Perform the following to prepare a page or a space for migration:

  1. Go to > Manage apps > APPFIRE CONFIGURATION > LaTex Math. The Configure LaTex Math page is displayed.

    Latex Math Configuration - Migration Settings tab


  2. Select the Migration Settings tab and click the Prepare Migration button. The Migration Preparation window is displayed.

    3. Enter the following information to map the macro key names and the relevant parameter:

Parameter name


Parameter name


Source Macro key

Enter the macro key to be replaced with the cloud version. The macro key name varies with each macro.

Source Math contained in

Enter the parameter name of the relevant math expression or equation in the server instance.

Target Macro key

Specify the output type of math macro. In the case of LaTeX Math:

  • mathinline is the Target Macro key for inline macro.

  • mathblock is the Target Macro key for block macro.

Select all unprepared for migration spaces

Select the checkbox to prepare all the unprepared pages across all the spaces for migration.

To select a particular space(s), clear the Select all unprepared for migration spaces box and specify the space key(s) in the box.

4. Click Prepare Migration.

A Finished Migration Preparation progress bar is displayed. The page displays the number of pages that matched the given criteria and were migrated, as well as the impacted pages and spaces. Invalid data provided results in migration failure.