Supported Custom Fields

KIWI™ exports/imports the custom fields from the screens related to the workflow. For example transition screens and the screens that are found in the related Issue type screen schemes.

All Jira standard custom fields are supported. These custom fields are exported along with their contexts: The issue types, projects, default value and options(if the custom field may have options) related to each context are exported and imported on the deployment machine.

Beside these, KIWI™ knows how to handle the following cPrime provided Custom Fields:

For these custom fields the special configurations are carried over, so no change is needed on the deployment machine. For instance:

  • For Power Actions Custom Field™ all the Actions(buttons) together with their scripts are exported and restored on the import server.
  • For Database Custom Field the configurations from the cPrime parameters page are carried over: the JNDI names, Sql queries, SIL™ scripts. Everything that is necessary to fully restore the configurations. For dynamic queries, the custom field IDs are updated with their corresponding IDs from the target Jira instance.

For DBCF fields the used data sources must be manually configured on the Import server. Please see Data Source Configuration for details on how to configure a Data Source manually.

  • For SIL™ User Picker and SIL™ Script Custom Field the SIL™ Script for each context is carried over.
  • For Regex Custom field the Regex configuration is exported/imported.
  • For Power Custom Fields PRO full configuration is transferred: the data source, the option type, the filtering strategy and so on.